Thursday, February 5, 2009

Something to think about!!!

Are you Trusting in God? I walk by Faith therefore I am livin' in Faith. Man my tomorrow sure looks better than today. And the next day looks better than tomorrow. Just let that sit for a few minutes.

Livin' out Loud

1 comment:

  1. Greetings Bishop,

    Thank you for viewing and following our site; I will do the same for you as we are both seeking the Lord's same plan, so why shouldn't we be there to encourage and uplift one another through other blogs?

    At first when I read 'Bishop' I was imagining Bishop TD Jakes as he got me through a lot during my single years. I'm not sure if you're familiar with him, but he's a mighty man.

    Well allow me to get back to viewing some more of your site....

    Again, thanks for following us.


    Jesse and Sarah
