Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Believe You Recieve

What you see in that picture there is a result of FAITH. Prior to getting married my wife and I decided to have kids. We picked out there names and everything. She wanted a boy first and I wanted a girl first. My reasons for having a girl first were so she could help her baby brother get girlfriends and stuff. Clearly selfish, I know I know but hey that was my reasoning.

Well we soon came into agreement and decided it would be best to have a boy first before the girls to help look after his sisters. That is our little story about our baby boy that will be here in June.

What is faith? How do I believe? Well the answer is easy, faith is acting on what you believe. When you were in school you believed that every time you sat in your chair it would hold your weight. And since you believed that you acted on it and sat down time after time. The chair could have had screws missing or a leg missing but you just sat down and didn't check it out. That was faith and belief at work.

I cant see it, but I just believe it is so; is the attitude you have to have. In October prior to the baby making action. LOL. We prayed before God and asked him that when conception was made a baby boy would be conceived. At that very moment we believed we received our baby boy that night. Our confession was that we had a boy, we even began to buy baby clothes for a boy. We saw it on the canvas of our imagination and couldn't be turned other wise. Many people said God will give you what He wants you to have but that isn't so. We believe that God gives the desires of your heart. And we held on to that and on January 26 we got out physical confirmation that what we prayed for came to pass, a BOY!

So what do you want? What are your desires? Pray for them believe you receive them and you will have them. Keep confessing you have it and don't let anyone detour you from what you are believing for. Here are some scriptures to use for faith: Mark 11:23-24, 1John 5:14-15. Read these scriptures and place them in your prayer and see your prayers being answered.

Livin' out Loud


  1. Your story is so beautiful. Congratulations! Faith really works :) Personally, I had been praying for direction in my career path when BAM...a coworker handed me a random newsletter outlining a new doctoral program that is EXACTLY what I've been looking for. Now that I've applied, I'm believing that my interview will be received well by the admissions committee and I already know that I'll be accepted into the program. I'm just waiting for the official letter :)

  2. Well I guess a congratulations is in order for you and Mrs. Bishop? should I call her? YAY!

    I'm very happy for the two of you!

    This is a very good read, about faith being compared to a chair holding the weight of your body. I really enjoy this post, it makes one really think: "So what are my true desires?????" For me right now it's contentment and slowing down....well and getting our insurance to finish paying for damages due to Huricane Ike! What at mess.

    Well, this was a lovely post and again congrats on you son; I'm sure you'll teach him well.
